Crying bouts started a couple of week before school actually – at Aunty Julie’s house, oh, Iwan has sometime in Oct started with a new babysitter as Aunty Ho has moved to Putra Heights. We have known Julie for some time now, a friend from church. Reason for crying – I want mommy or I want daddy. Hmm sweet but simply incomprehensible!
So starting a new school with hours till mid afternoon did not make things better. Into Day 2 Iwan was already at the Principle’s office as his crying was interrupting class. Assistant Principle called, I told him if I go today he will be seeing me every day, so please to let him cry it out. Although my heart ache I was glad I decided it that way. But guess what? Dad ended up at the school, hah, good for him as this sees him having to drop by every day for the next few days. :)
Reasons remains the same, I want mommy and I want daddy. It was like living with Mr Hyde and Dr Jekyll, when I pick Iwan up in the evening he was totally different and indifferent to what happened earlier…
Mom : did u cry today?
Iwan: got la a bit
Mom : why did u cry?
Iwan : Coz I want u…but mommy my friend..bla bla bla bla bla…
Mom : do u like school?
Iwan : Yes
Mom : will you cry tomorrow?
Iwan : I don’t know. I will try not to cry la.
Hmmm…that went on for about a week and a half after which Iwan came down with flu. He was at Aunty Julie’s and 4th granduncle’s house but NO his crying attack did not stop. I have not seen his eyes so swollen before. That not being enough, to compliment his crying attack he went on hunger strike at the same time! Can you beat that? Prefect meaning to rebel without a cause.
It was very tiring for both mom and dad. We would get calls in the middle of meetings to a crying kid and a screaming babysitter! Threats, scolding, reasoning, nothing works. Miraculously the third Friday of school, Iwan decided not to cry. It has improved significantly since and I am keeping my fingers crossed. We are still coaxing him to eat. Every day mom needs to create an interesting lunch box to spark some interest.
Over and above everything we are very lucky and thankful to have supportive teachers and babysitters and the great “sms” technology, :).
Labels: Quest of the innocence